Welcome to the sixth issue of The Left Fold, a weekly programming article digest. Submissions for future issues are solicited.
This week's issue is short, probably due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US.
Programming Languages
New language features in Java 7: a summary with examples.
Announcing Haskell 2010: a new revision of the language has been announced, codifying several existing language extensions. This is the first in an anticipated yearly set of revisions to the language. (shortlist of changes)
Optional laziness doesn't quite cut it: argues that strict languages with optional laziness lack modularity compared to lazy languages.
Reviewing Project Lombok: an attempt at reducing Java boilerplate.
Experience Reports
Gluing Things Together - Scheme in the Real-time CG Content Production: see in particular section 6, which discusses pros/cons from experience of using Scheme in place of C.
Writing a URL Shortener in Scala: likes the language, unhappy with build and deployment tools. (reddit)
Recursion and concurrency with Go: introduction via a parallel search algorithm for Connect-4. Likes the concurrency constructs but finds the implementation lacking.
Rewrite your Ruby VM at runtime to hot patch useful features: implementing memory profiling with trampolines.
The 8 hour journey to a single character: debugging story with a moral. (news.yc)